Showing posts with label OOH. Show all posts
Showing posts with label OOH. Show all posts

Friday 23 October 2015

Why Are Specialist OOH Agencies Important?

The vast industry, of OOH or Outdoor Advertising, has many players trying to get the attention of the brands. Along with the presence of specialist OOH Agencies, unorganized networks of vendors and printers are also available who often provide OOH Advertising services at lower costs than the organized Outdoor Advertising Agencies. However, falling for the bait of lower prices has often the resulted in campaigns ending in disasters. Here, we discuss some of most important reasons for using specialist Outdoor Advertising Agencies for branding campaigns.

ooh advertising,outdoor advertising, ooh media
Outdoor Advertising

Experience & Reputation Matters

A specialist Outdoor Advertising Agency will have ample experience in the field and thus will know of the most practical solutions to the obstacles which may arise at any phase of the campaign. It will have a reputation attached with its name, which can be used to determine the most appropriate agency suited for the purpose.

Strong Network

Specialist Outdoor Advertising Agencies work with an aim of sustenance. Thus, they pay ample attention to building proper and strong network of associates at all the places where they offer OOH Advertising services. The strength of the network plays a key role in determining the smoothness and efficiency with which the campaign is executed.

Legal Sites

A major issue, with associating with random vendors, printers, etc., is that they often sell and utilize illegal sites, in order to maximize profit. These may then be taken down without any notice by the relevant authorities. Even if they do escape the inspections of the authorities, it is very unlikely that such entities will be able to provide proper maintenance. Specialist OOH Agencies ensure that the sites offered to your brand are 100% legal. The other procedures, which involve paperwork, are also completed in an appropriate manner.

The above are some of the reasons why it is important to ensure that your brand promotions are executed by specialized Outdoor Advertising Agencies only.     

Thursday 7 November 2013

Think OOH – Think Airport Advertising

OOH, Out of Home Advertising,Outdoor Ads, Ads at Airports
If increase of revenue through increased awareness is on your agenda, OOH or Out of Home Advertising is the solution. One of the oldest forms of Advertising, OOH has not only successfully survived the digital age, but continues to thrive with a few innovations here and there. Roadside Ad Hoardings and Signages continue to capture the attention of the audience. Among the many forms of Outdoor Advertising, Airport Advertising rules the roost. Since the airports are places where high and middle wage earners are found at the same place, they provide highly sought after sites for advertisements. Airport Advertisements also have very high dwelling periods which increase the scope of the Ads.

The near extinction of monopoly from almost all the markets have resulted in a vast number of players in any given field. One of the most important things that are different about the successful companies is their brand value. Thus, presentation before the consumers is of utmost importance. Airport Ads not only provide excellent advertising sites but also but also an affluent audience that doesn’t mind paying big for the latest products. The Billboard Displays, Digital Displays and Pillar Wraps capture the attention of the viewers with a larger than life image of the brand. This attention is then transformed into interest by the attractively colored and interestingly written ad copies. One of biggest advantages which Airport Ads have over the other Outdoor Ads is that it does not suffer from the handicap of dealing with a moving audience. The ads are well placed in the areas which are used by the travelers during the long waiting periods. This leaves the ads with ample time to convince the audience of the benefits of the products or services. The average viewing time of Ads at Airports is much higher than any of the other forms.

Hence, if you are introducing a new business or planning to increase the impact of your brand, think OOH and opt for Airport Advertising. Leading Airport Advertising Agencies like TDI International India P Limited provide excellent Airport Advertising Services. Their prompt implementation and efficient understanding of client requirements ensure total value for your money. Visit them at

Saturday 19 January 2013

Multiple Benefits of OOH Advertising

Any form of brand advertising that reaches out to customers through an out of home media such as a billboard ad display, a wall poster ad, kiosk display; wall wrap etc. comes under outdoor advertising. One of the conventional modes yet still successfully implemented by various advertisers, outdoor advertising in India provides exclusive promotion solutions for various brands through outdoor media. Airport Advertising, Mall Advertising and Metro Advertising are three common avenues of outdoor branding. In this blog, let us discuss a few benefits of outdoor advertising in India and how it’s ideal for every brand owner to advertise his product through this media. 

Round the clock availability of brand message

An outdoor advertising media provides an omnipresent brand message to customers. Any OOH ad display is not temporary or periodic but rather consistent and non-stop. What is also endearing to find out is that most of the outdoor advertising displays have a captured audience. Those who come across an outdoor ad display cannot ignore or switch off the brand message. They read and take home the brand message. 

Cost effective investment

Every advertising campaign is an investment for the brand owner to generate maximum sales. An outdoor advertising campaign is a smart investment for the brand owner. Most of the OOH ads are cost effective ways to reach out to potential customers and clients. In fact, an outdoor advertising display costs 80 percent less than television advertising, 60 percent less than print advertising and 50 percent less than radio advertising. 

State of art medium of communication

What differentiates an OOH ad display is the medium of communication used to convey the brand message. An OOH ad campaign is usually launched through state of art media that provides a rich impact about the brand on customers’ mind. Most of the modern tools of outdoor advertising are technologically updated which provide hassle free and exclusive branding solutions though rich media. 

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