Showing posts with label Billboard Displays. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Billboard Displays. Show all posts

Tuesday 19 November 2013

An Interactive Airport Ad is a Productive Ad

One of the elements that Airport Advertising is popularly exploring is the interactivity of the ads. Simple boards announcing the launch of a product no longer define Airport Advertising completely. Once the Billboard Displays at the Airport began to use modern technologies, the traditional ways to advertise have undergone a sea change in their approach and outlook.

The primary theory behind the Interactive Airports Advertisements is simple. An ad which engages the audience, emotionally or physically has a much higher impact than an ad which merely announces something. What was started with engaging ad copies have taken a full bloom as Airport Ads now provide opportunities for the audience to be a part of the advertisement. The Top Airport Advertising Agencies of India are now realizing the importance and high impact of Product Displays. What was started in the Indian Airports by TDI International India P Limited, a pioneer Airport Advertising Agency in India, has gained huge popularity in the world of Airport Advertising. TDI was the first to put a car on an Airport Billboard, thereby taking the concept of Product Display Ads to a whole new level. Such innovation, targeted at increasing interactivity, has increased the interest level of the audience by several bars. At a recent car display at the Ahmedabad Airport by TDI, curious and delighted audiences were seen peeking inside the car and posing for photographs.

Airport Advertising is known for the minimum 55 minutes of viewership which it allows. In today’s busy times, that is a luxury for any brand. Interactive Airport Ads smartly utilizes these 55 minutes with Product Display Spaces. For capable Airport Advertising Agencies like TDI, the size of the product is no hindrance.

Thursday 7 November 2013

Think OOH – Think Airport Advertising

OOH, Out of Home Advertising,Outdoor Ads, Ads at Airports
If increase of revenue through increased awareness is on your agenda, OOH or Out of Home Advertising is the solution. One of the oldest forms of Advertising, OOH has not only successfully survived the digital age, but continues to thrive with a few innovations here and there. Roadside Ad Hoardings and Signages continue to capture the attention of the audience. Among the many forms of Outdoor Advertising, Airport Advertising rules the roost. Since the airports are places where high and middle wage earners are found at the same place, they provide highly sought after sites for advertisements. Airport Advertisements also have very high dwelling periods which increase the scope of the Ads.

The near extinction of monopoly from almost all the markets have resulted in a vast number of players in any given field. One of the most important things that are different about the successful companies is their brand value. Thus, presentation before the consumers is of utmost importance. Airport Ads not only provide excellent advertising sites but also but also an affluent audience that doesn’t mind paying big for the latest products. The Billboard Displays, Digital Displays and Pillar Wraps capture the attention of the viewers with a larger than life image of the brand. This attention is then transformed into interest by the attractively colored and interestingly written ad copies. One of biggest advantages which Airport Ads have over the other Outdoor Ads is that it does not suffer from the handicap of dealing with a moving audience. The ads are well placed in the areas which are used by the travelers during the long waiting periods. This leaves the ads with ample time to convince the audience of the benefits of the products or services. The average viewing time of Ads at Airports is much higher than any of the other forms.

Hence, if you are introducing a new business or planning to increase the impact of your brand, think OOH and opt for Airport Advertising. Leading Airport Advertising Agencies like TDI International India P Limited provide excellent Airport Advertising Services. Their prompt implementation and efficient understanding of client requirements ensure total value for your money. Visit them at