Thursday 24 April 2014

Tips for Creating Engaging Advertising Campaigns

The competition among brands of various sectors has spilled down to the competition in the Advertising sector. It is not uncommon to see brands and Advertising Agencies going for all sorts of tactics to grab that extra space and time in the spotlight. However, a dedicated approach to a few of the factors, that play heavy roles, will go a long way in ensuring that the primary task of any display is completed; that primary task being captivating the audience.

The first of the factors that need top attention is the location. In a broader marketing sense, the choice of location comprises of selecting an area where the target group can be easily found. When narrowed down to Advertising, the location will include the site where the Ad Display is to be put up. A strategically placed Ad can make the difference between an Ad that is comfortably read and an Ad that is overlooked. Next in order are the design and the copy. The nature of the ad should be in line with the nature of the audience. For example, an Airport Advertising Ad can take the liberty of extensive graphics and words while a roadside display cannot. Repetitions often have a good effect on increasing the brand recall rate as a higher number of displays will ensure that the brand is etched in the memory of the audience.

Thus, as we can see above, the primary questions, that need to be tackled well in an Advertising Campaign, include “Where to put up the brand?”, “How to put up the brand?”, and “How to ensure that the impact stays till the time of purchase?” Most successful Ads in the modern times have extended their traditional role of being announcements, to being agents that oversee actual conversions. Getting the above right will help ensure that your ad can do justice to its modern role.     

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